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Subcontracting (fees and charges) - policy for subcontractors

As a requirement of Gateshead Council's Education and Skills Funding Agency contract learningSkills are required to publish this policy prior to participating in any sub-contracting activity from 1 August 2013. Full details of subcontracting arrangements are listed in individual Service Level Agreements which along with this policy are reviewed annually.

Gateshead Council enters into subcontracting arrangements to meet the best interests of learners and employers where provision cannot be offered as effectively in house. Subcontracting must meet the needs of the local community, and focus support on priority groups, the unemployed and increasing Apprenticeship delivery. Subcontractors will be supported to follow Gateshead Council Quality Assurance processes set out in Service Level Agreements, including Teaching, Learning and Assessment and implementation of the Quality Framework. In addition to meeting Quality Assurance requirements, Gateshead Council will also support (where required) with Curriculum Management, Accreditation, Tutor Management, Course Planning, MIS management and submission data returns, marketing, learner support, innovation and health and safety. Further details on the support arrangements are detailed in Service Level Agreements.

LS have determined the costs of services provided and require a minimum 18% management fee for services provided.

If required a full contract review will cost the subcontractor £500

Returning of data- checking completions, withdrawals, suspensions, learner numbers, performance against profile, success rate, timely success rate - is included in aforementioned management fee

As required, any additional chasing of outstanding paperwork/progress information will cost the subcontractor £50

Data agreement on position sign off with subcontractor data team; Data report on progress against minimum standards; Issuing progress tracker; Monitoring and providing feedback on overdue learners; Action planning from checking return data; Checking actions have been completed are all included in aforementioned management fee.

Paired OTLA (one per curriculum area/ tutor); OTLA action plan and monitoring of improvements; Self-Assessment feedback for SAR; File check- 10% or 10 files (whichever is greater)[Off the job training; On the job training; Completion of portfolio; Attendance; Progress; Predicted completion/ success; Functional skills; Target setting; Employer engagement [including: Off the job; Apprenticeship wage; Employer fee; Apprenticeship agreement; Health and safety check] Learner engagement [including: Initial assessment; IAG; Learner support; Induction]; Collection of learner and employer feedback and analysis completed are all included in aforementioned management fee

As required Enhanced Intervention/ Support will cost the subcontractor £50 per hour

Staff CPD- Safeguarding, Prevent, British Values will be offered free of charge              

As required Staff CPD- Non-mandatory/ Specialist/ Result of Development Need will cost the subcontractor £50 per hour

Full payment terms are confirmed with individual subcontractors and are listed in Service Level Agreements, but typically will be based on actual funding drawn down from the funding bodies to the reference date (usually 1 December, 1 March, 1 July). Payments to subcontractors are capped at the rate of Maximum Contract Value listed in Service Level Agreements. Subcontractors are informed of the amounts to invoice, and payments will be made by BACS within 30 days of receipt of invoice.

Details of actual levels of funding paid and retained for each subcontractor will be published on our website within 30 days of the Academic Year final ILR submission.

2013/14 subcontracting figures (PDF, 70 KB)(opens new window)

2014/15 subcontracting figures (PDF, 71 KB)(opens new window)

2015/16 subcontracting figures (PDF, 68 KB)(opens new window)

2016/17 subcontracting figures (PDF, 70 KB)(opens new window)

2017/18 subcontracting figures (PDF, 46 KB)(opens new window)

2018/19 subcontracting figures (PDF, 43 KB)(opens new window)

2018/19 subcontracting figures (PDF, 43 KB)(opens new window)

2019/20 Subcontracting Figures (PDF, 106 KB)(opens new window)

2020/21 Subcontracting Figures (PDF, 154 KB)(opens new window)

2021/22 Subcontracting Figures (PDF, 53 KB)(opens new window)

2022/23 Subcontracting Figures (PDF, 106 KB)(opens new window)

2023/24 Subcontracting Figures (PDF, 106 KB)(opens new window)

Our partners

A.L.D Hairdressing Training Academy Ltd (opens new window)

Trn (Train) Ltd (opens new window)

Tempus Training Ltd (opens new window)

Triage (opens new window)