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CQC local authority assessment: notification of site visit 2024

The introduction of the Health and Care Act 2022 gave the Care Quality Commission (CQC) new powers to assess how local authorities meet their duties under Part 1 of the Care Act (2014) (opens new window).

We have received notification from the CQC that our site visit date is scheduled to take place during the week of 28 October 2024. 

The site visit will enable the CQC to assess and understand the quality of care in Gateshead and provide independent assurance to the public of the quality of care in our area.

What the assessment involves

The site visit to the local authority will include face to face contact with: 

  • adult social care staff and leaders 
  • partner agencies 
  • people who use care and support services 
  • representative groups

All staff involved with the assessment will be updated regularly ahead of the visit.

How we have prepared for the CQC visit

As part of our preparation for the CQC visit to Gateshead, we invited the Local Government Association (LGA) to support the service with an Assurance Peer Challenge in March 2024. 

A Peer Challenge involves exploring our ambitions, performance and delivery structures in a supportive way to prepare for the formal CQC regulator's assurance process.

Themes of the CQC assessment 

Inspectors will be using their assessment framework (opens new window) to review us against all nine quality statements across four core themes. 

1. Working with people

  • assessing needs
  • direct payments
  • charging arrangements
  • supporting people to live healthier lives
  • prevention
  • wellbeing
  • information and advice
  • addressing barriers and reducing inequalities 

2. Providing support

  • care provision, integration and continuity 
  • market shaping
  • commissioning
  • workforce capacity and capability
  • integration and partnership working

3. Ensuring safety

  • safeguarding enquiries and reviews
  • Safeguarding Adult Board 
  • safe systems - continuity of care
  • safe systems - pathways and transitions

4. Leadership

  • culture
  • strategic planning
  • learning
  • improvement 
  • innovation
  • governance 
  • management
  • sustainability 

What has been provided to the CQC so far

We have already submitted our key documents, information and data for Adult Social Care to the inspection team. We are updating our partners and key stakeholders about the inspection and are working on finalising our timetable for the site visit.

In the interim period, CQC will undertake activity remotely, which includes talking to key partners and people who use care and support services.

Next steps

Following their assessment, CQC will produce a draft report, which will include scores for all the quality statements and an overall rating.  

This will be published here on our website and communicated with council staff, partners and members of the public.