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Athlete Support

Sports Training Pass

Sports Training Passes allow free access to some GO Gateshead services and are available to athletes who are Gateshead residents that have achieved the performance criteria at regional* competition level or above. Please see the application form for full details.  

Sports Training Passes will be issued for either:  

  • 12-months from the date of the eligible competition if it precedes December 2023 
  • Until 31st December 2024 if the competition occurred from December 2023 onwards

As you may be aware, Gateshead Council is looking to appoint an external contractor to operate leisure buildings on their behalf. The Council are currently working through the procurement process with a view to the new arrangements starting early in 2025.  As such, passes can no longer be issued with a date beyond 31st December 2024.

Please note that it can take up to two weeks to process / verify applications from date of receipt before a pass can be issued. Access cannot be granted to facilities once a pass has expired even if you have an application pending. Those re-applying for a Sports Training Pass should take these timescales into consideration when submitting their forms. 

Apply for a Sports Training Pass (PDF) [201KB]

Please ensure you read the guidance notes within the application form for full details of eligibility. If you have any queries or need to discuss your application, please contact

*Regional competitions in most sports are those that cover northern England i.e., a larger area than the north-east.