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About Gateshead Council

Carer at home with a service user
Our ethos and values

Our culture is based on trust, empowerment and shared values within and across teams and organisations. Support is strengths based, building independence, control and community connections. Bureaucracy is the absolute minimum it has to be. The system is responsive, proportionate and focused on outcomes.

Our Vision

  • Put people and families at the heart of everything we do.
  • Tackle inequality so people have a fair chance.
  • Support our communities to support themselves and each other.
  • Invest in our economy to provide opportunities for employment, innovation and growth.
  • Work together and fight for a better future for Gateshead.

We value our staff and conduct regular peer reviewed assessments to ensure staff satisfaction and development. Here are some quotes from recent peer reviews:

"Gateshead has a strong leadership team in place, which is highly regarded by staff and partners. Your vision, values and culture are understood, and the golden thread from corporate level to frontline is evident. Portfolio holders work well together to address the challenges facing Adult Social Care.  There is a bravery in the improvement plans to tackle the challenges the council faces, but there is confidence that these are achievable, based on improvements already being delivered, as well as the delivery of savings and a balanced budget outturn the budget plans and projections for the Directorate.

The team heard Gateshead is a good place to work.

There is widespread pride in the enablement offer, with a range of services available, and good multi-disciplinary working which seems to be joined up with health partners.

The Peer Team saw a real energy around the work with NDTi, from adult social care staff, partners, housing, and the voluntary sector.  Ambitions are aligned and shared and the work will build on current locality-based assets to encourage, commission, or facilitate responses to meet the needs of local communities. 

Gateshead Council's self-assessment identified strengths as:

Strong and stable political leadership and support for Adult Social Care budgets. The Peer Team agrees there is a very stable political leadership and strong support for the plans to address the challenges facing Adult Social Care.

Strong financial resilience and Medium Term Financial Strategy 5-year plan. The peer team heard of confidence from corporate colleagues regarding financial delivery and plans.

Workforce plans - particularly apprenticeships. The apprenticeship model is clearly valued but Peers wondered if this other element of the council's workforce strategy need to be referenced as well, to draw attention to any key messages in the strategy.

The Peer Team heard in many sessions a very positive regard for leadership.  This included the visible leadership of Director and Senior Leadership Team.  The Connect and Collaborate sessions were welcomed by many, and the visits to teams were particularly welcomed.  Partners also spoke of the energy, and 'brave' leadership from Dale Owens.

Political leadership was also seen as brave by partners, and Peers were impressed by the collaborative working of Portfolio Holders to agree and then champion proposals for Adult Social Care, through Cabinet and democratic processes.

Peers were able to see how a 'one council' approach is developing.  Finance colleagues were supportive but challenging, and have confidence about Adult Social Care's ability to manage savings and budget discipline. This has enabled investment to support transformation and to respond to business cases about needs and demands, in line with strategic direction.

The Peer Team heard a strong consistent message (golden thread) around the council and adult social care vision and values throughout the conversations, from staff, partners, and carers.

Management was widely reported to be supportive, and peers heard many examples of teams supporting their colleagues.  Supervision and the wellbeing offer are valued, with an openness about mental wellbeing and support for staff with protected characteristics.

Peers were impressed by the bold and innovative actions being taken to deliver the Council's high ambitions for improvement."