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Could you consider fostering this World Social Work Day?21 March 2023
Two years after showing an interest in fostering, Paul shares his story to inspire others to become foster carers this World Social Work Day.
An Advanced Media Production (AMP) studio has launched at PROTO, Gateshead15 March 2023
AMP at PROTO is the first of its kind for North East England, offering pioneering virtual production and 3D technology capabilities for filmmakers, academics an...
Gateshead school pupils joined on school run by MP Ian Mearns10 March 2023
Ian Mearns MP joined pupils from his constituency on the school to celebrate their active travel achievements.
Offenders re-arrested for breaching anti-social behaviour injunctions09 March 2023
Two offenders have been arrested after failing to comply with the terms of their injunction orders, which were put in place to protect vulnerable Gateshead resi...
Mind the Gap: Women and health inequalities07 March 2023
Gateshead's Director of Public Health has published a new report which highlights that although women live longer than men, they do so in poorer health.
New home building accelerates with Freight Depot development03 March 2023
One of the most historic sites in Gateshead, the former Freight Depot site off the Felling Bypass, will now be redeveloped, with 270 new homes being built over...
Budget agreed for 2023/2423 February 2023
Full Council has today agreed our balanced budget for 2023/23 which includes almost £13.1m savings and the use of over £25m reserves to help address the funding...
SEND strategy consultation launches in Gateshead21 February 2023
Gateshead Council and NHS North East North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) have launched a consultation on how to strengthen support for children and y...
Two Gateshead shops ordered to close due to illegal tobacco sales20 February 2023
In a joint operation between Gateshead Council's Trading Standards team and Northumbria Police, two Gateshead shops found to be selling illegal tobacco sales ha...
Leisure Review drop-in sessions16 February 2023
A drop-in session has been arranged to allow residents and communities to ask questions and find out more information on the potential closures of leisure centr...